Selected Posts on Anti-Relativity - 物理の勉強掲示板

Selected Posts on Anti-Relativity

0nakayama 2023/02/18 09:14  3976view
Michelson-Morley Experiment

It (done in air) is nonsense. In air, light is propagated at c/n. So, the result of M-M experiment (done in air) is only natural.

In a book "Theory of Relativity" by Pauli, W 1958, it's written as follows (quoted from English version ; in 1-6). "Rather should one say that for an observer moving with medium, light is propagated as usual with velocity c/n in all directions".

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99中山 2023/12/14 15:46
Bending of Light

Moon occults (covers up) star A on the celestial sphere. In this occultation, there is a moment when star A, center of Moon, and an observer make a straight line. An artificial disk the same apparent diameter (as Moon) follows Moon at the same apparent speed (as Moon). And it occults star A in the same way (as Moon). If occultation time is the same, there will be no bending of light due to gravity.
98中山 2023/12/12 15:36
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (in this A THORY ?)

Perihelion shift of Mercury is 575 seconds in 100 years. In wikipedia, there is a site titled "Perigee Shift" (in Japanese). In it, it's stated that 532 of the 575 seconds are caused by perturbations due to gravity of other planets, and remaining 43 seconds are caused by the effects of general relativity. Simply adding up gravity of other planets ? Is this A THEORY ?
97名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/12/11 00:54
96中山 2023/12/10 16:15
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (summary)

In a web-site in English titled "Perihelion Precession of the Planets", there is a table on observed rates from Mercury (5.75 seconds/year) to Neptune (0.36 seconds/year). In these, direction of precession is the direction of planet's revolution, and these magnitude are assumed to be constant. Let's assume this table is true. So, this phenomenon will be caused by two bodies: planet each and Sun.

Adams and Le Verrier predicted the existence of Neptune and its position on the celestial sphere (from the precession of Uranus's position). But it was temporary and exceptional precession (perturbation).
95中山 2023/11/20 12:44
Shift of Perihelion and Vernal Equinox of Earth (question)

A question arises. Aren't shift of perihelion and vernal equinox (of Earth) in the same direction and magnitude ? To me, it is probable but not certain. I'll leave it to the physicists.
94中山 2023/11/10 09:35
Title of the page of the National astronomical observatory (of Japan) ephemeris computation office is shown below. Sorry for repeated addition.
93中山 2023/11/07 08:56
A web-site with figures related to problem below appears using following keywords. Sorry, in Japanese.
近日点の移動  国立天文台暦計算室
92中山 2023/11/06 07:49
To yesterday's post, following my posts are related.
Aug 5, Sep 19, and Sep 23, (2023). By
91中山 2023/11/05 13:01
Shift of Perihelion and Vernal Equinox of Earth (an idea)

A drawing shows Sun, Earth, and orbit of Earth. It also shows shift of perihelion of Earth (in the direction of revolution, annually) and shift of vernal equinox (in the opposite direction of revolution, annually). Shift of vernal equinox is said to be caused by precession of rotation axis (of Earth). Precession of rotation axis ? Really ? Shift of vernal equinox seems to be caused by extra centrifugal force due to size of Earth. There is no other reason than that it seems to fit well.
Note: Perihelion is said to take about 110,000 years, and vernal equinox takes about 26,000 years to complete one revolution.
90中山 2023/10/31 13:36
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (question)

If one centroid is an approximation, two centroids are also approximation. But an inequality 0.04 < 0.0400479 will be a problem presentation for Newton's spherical shell theorem.
89中山 2023/10/31 10:44
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (question)

Value of perihelion shift of Mercury is 5.75 seconds/year (observed). Of this value, 5.32 seconds/year is said to be caused by gravity (perturbation) of other planets. And remaining 0.43 seconds/year is attributed to general relativity. Here, a question arises. Why is perihelion shift (of each orbiting) the same regardless of the direction and distances of other planets that exert gravity on Mercury ?

In a site in English "Perihelion Precession of the Planets", there are tables on observed values and on theoretical values for perihelion shift on planets (of solar system). The same question arises.
88中山 2023/10/25 10:36
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (and free fall)

Towards Earth, two bodies with the same mass are in free fall. One is assumed to be a single point (with no size), and the other is a long pole (falling vertically). Also assumed that gravity of Earth is constant at g. As posted formerly, magnitude of gravity of Earth acting on two bodies will be former < latter slightly. As example, in my former post, it was 0.04 < 0.04000479. So latter continues to fall in advance. In a broad sense, orbital motion is considered to be free fall. It seems that the shift of perihelion of Mercury is caused by its size.
87名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/10/23 11:23
86中山 2023/10/23 10:54
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (supplement)

Imagine that two Mercurys are revolving in the orbit of Venus and Neptune. At two perihelions, Mercury moves in the same vector (direction and speed) as Venus and Neptune. Magnitude of Mercury's shift of perihelion will be smaller than that of the two. Because size of Mercury is smaller than that of the two.
85中山 2023/10/19 07:54
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (continued)

Imagine Mercury is revolving in the orbit of Neptune. Size of Mercury seen from Sun is close to a single point. So, magnitude of perihelion shift as two-body problem will be slight. And are perturbations outstanding ?
84中山 2023/10/17 14:29
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (estimate)

Two Mercurys are revolving. One is in the orbit of Mercury and the other is in the orbit of Venus. In the former, magnitude of shift of perihelion seems to be larger. This is probably because effect of Mercury's size is greater in the former.
83中山 2023/10/08 10:51
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (rewritten)

Allow me to rewrite my previous post (Sep 29 and around).

Shift of perihelion is constant. Then, a doubt arises. What is momentum of Mercury ? Is it increasing ? Is it decreasing ? Is there no increase or decrease ? I'd like to hear even hypothesis.
82中山 2023/09/29 11:26
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (estimate)

Size of Mercury will increase Mercury's gravity. The main result will be slight expansion of orbit, and followed by shift in perihelion. Therefore, centrifugal force also increases. Newton's third law of motion will be inviolable.
81中山 2023/09/28 12:55
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (supplement)

About this ploblem, some posts remain unsure are posted. Below is one of them.

Size of Mercury seems to increase its gravity slightly and increase its centrifugal force slightly also. And, in magnitude, gravity seems to exceed. If this is true, what does it have to do with Newton's third law of motion? I throw up my hands.
80名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/09/25 16:15
79中山 2023/09/25 15:33
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (supplement)

Size of Mercury will cause the difference in its gravity and in its orbit. It will rotate long axis and shift perihelion (in the direction of revolution).

But, will size of Mercury cause difference in its centrifugal force ? This difference probably correspond to the difference in motion that is caused by difference in gravity.
78中山 2023/09/23 12:57
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (rewritten, from my post, posted on Sep 16 or around)

There is a figure of Mercury and its orbit. Mercury is drawn as a single point. But actually, Mercury has a size, and this size will slightly increase magnitude of gravity and centrifugal force of Mercury. Now, limit our consideration to half of orbit from perihelion to aphelion. Increase in gravity will shift aphelion in the direction of revolution. On the other hand, increase in centrifugal force will shift aphelion in the opposite direction of revolution. In increase, gravity will exceed.
77名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/09/23 05:49
76名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/09/22 17:44
75中山 2023/09/22 14:27
Moon’s Retreat

Moon is said to be moving away from Earth by several centimeters per year. As proposed formally (posted on 08-05. by me), size of Moon will increase its centrifugal force (compared to calculated as a point). This additional amount will be divided in rotation of long axis and in extension of long axis of orbit of Moon. Is Mercury moving away from Sun too ?
74中山 2023/09/18 10:58
Perihelion Shift of Mercury

[Size of Mercury increases gravity during orbital motion]
Mm/r^2 is formula for gravity. There are models for Mercury and Sun. When, 2Mm is 100 and r is 50, gravity is 0.04. Next, two half spheres of Mercury are lined up on the line of action of Sun's gravity. Mm is 50, r is 49 and 51. Then, gravity is 0.0400479.
[Size of Mercury increases centrifugal force during orbital motion]
See my post posted on March 15, 2023 (or around).
73中山 2023/09/17 13:44
Perihelion Shift of Mercury

There is one more problem. Size of Mercury receives surplus force. But where does this surplus force go ?

In figure of perihelion shift of Mercury,its destination seems not to be found. Ah, perhaps the same phenomenon as Moon's retreat (Moon's orbit is expanding) will be destination. This surplus force probably turns and expands Mercury's elliptical orbit each time.
72中山 2023/09/16 10:53
Perihelion Shift of Mercury

Size of Mercury will increase gravity and increase centrifugal force quolitatively also. Of the two, gravity is probably the main factor. Because, increase in gravity shift aphelion in the direction of revolution. On the other hand, increase in centrifugal force shift aphelion in the opposite direction of revolution.

The formula for gravity, F = mM/r^2, probably shows that magnitude of gravity is related to the size of Mercury (but surprisingly small).
71中山 2023/09/08 15:02
Decelerated Motion

As written in 69, everything is accelerated motion and decelerated motion does not exist. But “counter-jerk motion” where degree of accelerated motion withdrawing may be possible.
70中山 2023/09/07 11:46
Peliherion Shift of Mercury

Moon is said to be moving away from Earth by several centimeters per year. I proposed formally (in 68), size of orbiting celestial body increases its centrifugal force (compared to calculated as a point). And so, it moves forward the long axis of elliptical orbit, and also it increases the length of long axis a little ? Is Mercury moving away from Sun too ?
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