Selected Posts on Anti-Relativity - 物理の勉強掲示板

Selected Posts on Anti-Relativity

0nakayama 2023/02/18 09:14  4726view
Michelson-Morley Experiment

It (done in air) is nonsense. In air, light is propagated at c/n. So, the result of M-M experiment (done in air) is only natural.

In a book "Theory of Relativity" by Pauli, W 1958, it's written as follows (quoted from English version ; in 1-6). "Rather should one say that for an observer moving with medium, light is propagated as usual with velocity c/n in all directions".

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138名前を書き忘れた受験生 2024/05/23 08:43
Hello youtube に見えた
17名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/03/29 11:45
The Michelson-Morley experiment was actually performed in a vacuum, not in air. The experiment was designed to detect the hypothetical "ether wind" that was thought to exist in the 19th century as the medium through which light waves propagated. The experiment aimed to measure the difference in the speed of light in different directions, as the Earth moves through the ether.

However, the results of the experiment showed that there was no measurable difference in the speed of light in different directions, which was contrary to what was expected if the ether theory was correct. This was a significant result, as it provided evidence against the existence of the ether and paved the way for the development of the theory of special relativity.

Regarding your statement that "in air, light is propagated at c/n", this is not entirely accurate. The speed of light in a medium, such as air or water, is indeed slower than its speed in a vacuum, but it is not simply equal to c/n. The speed of light in a medium depends on several factors, including the refractive index of the medium, which determines the degree to which light is bent as it passes through the medium.

Finally, the quote from Pauli's book is not in conflict with the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment. The quote is referring to an observer moving with the medium, which is different from the motion of the Earth through the ether that the experiment was designed to detect. In the context of the experiment, the motion of the observer is not relevant, as the aim was to measure the speed of light relative to the ether.
21中山 2023/04/14 17:02
Equivalence Principle

Two bodies of the same mass m tied by a fairly long string are in free fall to Jupiter. Two bodeies are back and forth, and increasing tension of the string is informed to Earth. Inertial force and gravity are different things.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy, which fell to Jupiter in 1994. It was broken into at least 21 pieces in falling.
35中山 2023/04/25 13:08
To33, Aberration on Mars

Annual aberration of Mars is mainly caused by Mars' orbital period : 1.881 years and average orbital speed : 24.07 km/sec. That is, by the motion of an observer repative to aether.
47中山 2023/05/30 12:52
To 46, > This is due to the relative motion between the cars and the source of light (Sunlight in this case).

Sorry, no ! This is due to not relative motion but absolute motion of the cars to aether. If position of light source is the same (on the celestial sphere), behovior of light in the cars must be the same.

Now, measuring tape is set on the floor of the cars. If the spot light in the car are 0.0a and -0.0b (distance from the center), this value will be the same to three observers (including the one standing on the moon's surface).
33名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/04/23 18:44
I'm sorry, but the concept of a stationary aether has been largely discredited by experimental evidence, including the Michelson-Morley experiment. The phenomenon of aberration can be explained without invoking the existence of an aether. It is a consequence of the finite speed of light and the relative motion between the observer and the light source. As the observer moves, the angle at which they observe the light changes due to the finite time it takes for the light to reach their eye.

Refraction of light in the upper atmosphere is a separate phenomenon that can also affect the apparent position of celestial objects, but it is not directly related to aberration. The displacement of stars due to aberration is indeed in the direction of the Earth's motion, not opposite to it.

While it is true that Airy's experiment demonstrated the effect of aberration using a water-filled telescope, this does not imply the existence of a stationary aether. The experiment was designed to measure the angle of starlight as it entered the telescope at different times of the year, providing evidence for the phenomenon of aberration.

In summary, aberration can be explained without invoking the concept of a stationary aether. It is a consequence of the finite speed of light and the relative motion between the observer and the light source.
34中山 2023/04/24 14:21
To 33, Thank you for your reply about aether.

What causes aberration ? Core must be the position of light source on the celestial sphere. Fixed star's motion (also relative to Earth) is irrelevant. At all.
19中山 2023/04/14 16:56
Perihelion Shift of Mercury (Labyrinth)

This problem could be discribed as a problem in which Mercury’s elliptical orbit rotates slightly in the direction of Mercury’s orbital motion. Like hands of a clock. Reason for rotation may be due to the fact that Mercury is not a point but a sphere that has a size (mass distribution). But beyond that, it is a labyrinth for me.

Is the reason for rotation lies in perihelion or in aphelion ? Or is it in neither ? And, if the reason lies in aphelion, is it due to addition of centrifugal force ? Or is it due to weakening of gravitational pull of Sun ?
49中山 2023/06/05 15:34
Inertial Force and Gravity are Different Things

1) For inertial force, space is homogeneous isotropic. Gravity is not.
2) For inertial force, every position in space is the same. Gravity is not.
139中山 2024/05/24 15:42
Wavelength Measurement (Aw)

Is wavelength of light traveling in outer space being measured as it is (on light before arriving) ? Isn't what is being measured wavelength of light (extincted light) that has passed through a medium such as glass ? In internet (a bit), any site mentioned can not be found.

Suppose an observer moving in various motions in outer space is measuring wavelength of starlights. In the formula, c = f λ, f varies. Accordingly, c will vary. However, we seem to believe, it is λ that varies.

We must distinguish the light before and after measurement device (before and after extinction).
24中山 2023/04/15 17:13
To 17,

Speed of Light

For speed of light, the constant speed, and the formula c = fλ seem to be all. But is it really so simple?

A beam of light is propagating through aether. An observer is in uniform linear motion at various angles relative to this beam. The speed of the observer relative to aether also varies. Observer’s motion can be accelerated motion, jerk motion, or curvilinear motion. Also, speed of light wave and light ray (photon) will generally be different.

No, to light, special treatment must not be given. Then, all must be simple.
25名前を書き忘れた受験生 2023/04/16 02:54
While the formula c = fλ provides a straightforward relationship between the speed of light, its frequency, and wavelength, the behavior of light can become more complex when it interacts with different materials and environments.

In particular, the concept of the aether as a medium through which light waves propagate has been largely discredited by experimental evidence, including the Michelson-Morley experiment. Instead, it is now widely accepted that light waves can travel through a vacuum without requiring a medium.

When an observer moves relative to a light source, they will measure a different speed of light than an observer who is stationary relative to the source. This is due to the relativistic effects of time dilation and length contraction, which are described by the theory of special relativity.

Moreover, the behavior of light can be affected by gravitational fields, leading to phenomena such as gravitational lensing. In addition, the wave-particle duality of light means that it can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior, depending on the context in which it is observed.

While the basic principles governing the behavior of light can be summarized by simple equations, the full range of phenomena exhibited by light can be quite complex and fascinating.
32中山 2023/04/23 11:00
Color Difference in Visible Light

Difference in colors of visible light are said to be due to difference in wavelength. But frequency is also different. Why is it wavelength and not frequency ? I have no recollection seeing an explanation on it.

A light beam (monochromatic laser) is emitted from a light source into water and air. Frequency in both media is the same, but wavelength is different. What is color development of color film exposed in both media ?
146中山 2024/07/09 09:30
Speed **of Starlight (Supplement)

Allow me to add to 145. When the glass cube moves left and right....
Inside the glass, c/n is constant, and the other two are variable
Just before entering the glass, λ is constant, and the other two are variable
Just after leaving the glass, c is constant, and the other two are variable
22中山 2023/04/15 09:03
To 17,

There is a word "extinction" in a book Special Relativity by French, A.P. 1968. It's written as follows (original text ; quoted from "Google book" ; in 5-2). "Thus, for example, with visible light, a thickness of about 10-5cm of glass or 0.1mm of air at atmospheric pressure is almost enough to erase any possible memory, as it were, of the motion of the original source" (10-5cm is 0.0001mm). What ?? Light speed will be equalized in medium !

【Extinction : Michelson-Morley experiment (done in air) is nonsense 】 Above passage says that 0.1mm of air is enough to extinction.
132中山 2024/05/12 11:36
Lunar Laser Ranging (again)

Distance between Moon and Earth is measured with millimeter precision. Measurement is based on the formula "distance = speed of light x round trip time / a2". What is noteworthy here is that the direction of laser beam with respect to celestial sphere does not affect the measurement results.

Assume that the space where Moon and Earth exist is also filled with aether. Measurement results will differ depending on the direction of laser beam with respect to celestial sphere (according to the explanation of MM experiment).

Aeher does not affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves at the distance between Moon and Earth. That is, aether does not affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves for a few seconds after emitted. Ritz' emission theory is revived, although in a limited extent. For now, let's take this as an assumption. There is no need to be worried about the framework of time or space.
136中山 2024/05/20 12:47
To yesterday's post

Is it possible to measure the wavelength of light before it enters the measuring device? If possible, the measuring device could be moved to equalize the speeds of light (from the stars coming from the opposite points. the two stars with the greatest difference in speed of light). This means that the measuring instrument is stationary in the aether.
16中山 2023/03/29 10:27
Selected Post on Anti-Relativity (7)

◎ Perihelion Shift of Mercury (problem posing)

I said earlier that this story should start from aphelion, not perihelion. Yes, size of Mercury will increase centrifugal force and will rotate the orbit of Mercury in the direction of revolution. It will also increase size of orbit and increase momentum of Mercury.

Moon is said to be receding away from Earth. Although it is on order of a few centimeters per year. There are not a few sites on web. Many of them say that reason is slowing down of rotation of Earth. And total angular momentum of Earth and Moon must be conserved. But is relationship between Earth and Moon still the same today ? I guess what I said in the first half of this post applies to Moon as well.

Note: Said only qualitatively.
20中山 2023/04/14 16:59
Equivalence principle (as an impression)

In laboratory experiment, inertial force is something that we can control. In a laboratory called thought experiment, we can control falling of an elevator cabin also. On the other hand, it seems that gravity is beyond our reach. In other words, inertial force and gravity will be different things.

Even outside laboratory (whether within our reach or not), inertial force and gravity may be different thing.
23中山 2023/04/15 15:08
To 17,

Constancy of speed of light (Reexamination)

Constancy of speed of light is not possible always. No, it will be
possible limitedly in the following two events only. Btw, speed of
light in mediums is not subject of this reexamination.

1) A measurement point and a light source are stationary in the same
inertial frame. Distance between the two is within a few light
seconds. Speed of light is c.
2) A measurement point is stationary in aether frame. Light
propagated in aether is coming to this point. Distance from the
light source is more than a few light sveconds. Speed of light will
not be c.
26中山 2023/04/16 08:59
To 25,

Light is Propagated in Two Ways
In outer space, a starlight is reflected by a mirror. There is a formula c = f λ. Now, the mirror is stationary. In comparing of incident light and reflected light, f is the same. And usually, c & λ are different.                   
Now, the mirror moves in the direction of the light path of incident light. In the formula on incident light, λ is constant. And c & f will be variables. And in the formula on reflected light, c is constant. And f & λ will be variables.
37中山 2023/05/01 18:21
Three Pinhole Cameras

Otherday's my post(7) was misunderstanding. Sorry. Following is compensation.

In outer space, three pinhole cameras are moving at different constant speed in X direction. Size of celestial sphere reflected on the receiving surface in the cameras will be slightly different. This will be due to the different speed of the cameras relative to aether.
38中山 2023/05/04 09:04
Apology and Cancellation

My recent posts 36 and 37 seem to be invalid. Sorry.
41中山 2023/05/13 17:02
About Propagation of Light

Compare propagation of light with propagation of sound waves. Neither time nor space will require any transformation in our understanding of propagation of sound waves (in air or other medium). In this respect, there will be no difference between propagation of light and propagation of sound waves (if we accept aether as medium for light propagation).
45中山 2023/05/19 11:54
Local Inertial Frame (again)

Every mass point is either in an inertial (unaccelerated) frame or accelerated frame. If a rigid homogeneous cuboid is in free-falling, every mass point is in accelerated frame. In this cuboid, there can be no inertial frame, even locally.

P.S. This difference is not fictitious but absolute.
64中山 2023/07/12 11:29
Speed of Light

This is supplement to the former post 1 (Speed of Light). Half of measurement results of speed of light waves will exceed c.
122中山 2024/04/12 10:34
Accelerated Motion & Inertial Force (again)

Accelerated motion is absolute motion relative to aether frame. The two are two sides of the same coin. Gravity is irrelevant at all, and does not play a role in this problem.
145中山 2024/06/15 10:10
Speed **of Starlight

A glass cube is floating horizontally in outer space. Two rays of starlight coming from the left and right are passing through the glass horizontally. Below is the difference between the two rays of light as seen from viewpoint of the glass (difference in formula v = f λ).

Difference inside the glass            c/n = c/n   f ≠ f   λ ≠ λ
Difference just before entering the glass   c ≠ c      f ≠ f   λ = λ
Difference just after leaving the glass     c = c      f ≠ f   λ ≠ λ

36中山 2023/04/29 13:03

In outer space, three pinhole cameras are pointed in X, Y and Z directions (these are in uniform linear motion, the same as Sun). Cameras are pretty large. In the camera, on the inner wall, on the opposite side of the pinhole, disks rotate once and receiving position of star lights are recorded.

Recorded position of star lights on three disks will not be true circle. These may indicate motion of the pinhole cameras relative to aether.
43中山 2023/05/17 08:29
Two Formulas for Speed of Light (in vacuum)

First formula, v=fλ: It is speed of light relative to aether, and v is constant. Area is where light follows aether frame. That is, more than a few light seconds away from light source.
Second formula, c=fλ; It is speed of light relative to light source, and c is constant. Area is where light follows emission theory. That is, within a few light seconds from light source.

Note) First formula is the same as formula for the speed of sound in air (depending on f and λ).
Note) In outer space, a starlight is passing through a tube. In the center of the tube, a plate of glass is placed. In front of the glass, the starlight follows aether frame, and in back of it, starlight follows emission theory.
Note) A starlight is moving in aether. It is possible that v and c move at the same speed. Usually, v will be below c.
Note) For a moving observer, speed of light must be reconsidered (starting with the Doppler effect).
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